Last Thursday, two members of the gardaĆ came into talk to us in school. they talked to us about road safety and showed us clips of car crashes. we learned about how dangerous it can be on the road in the wrong conditions. they showed us how speed is a huge factor. you have an 85% chance of dying when hit by a car at a speed of km, but you have a 45% chance of death when hit by a car going at 50km. that 10km can make a huge difference, and thats why you can get penalty points for going over the speed limit. They showed us why we need to wear a seat belt, even in the back seat. though some of the videos were hard to watch it really has made me more cautious even of crossing the road. your life can be changed within seconds, or you could change someone else's life,and you have to respect that.
below find the link to the road safety authority website.
you had lots of fun:))))