Monday, 17 November 2014

road safety talk

Last Thursday, two members of the gardaĆ­ came into talk to us in school. they talked to us about road safety and showed us clips of car crashes. we learned about how dangerous it can be on the road in the wrong conditions. they showed us how speed is a huge factor. you have an 85% chance of dying when hit by a car at a speed of km, but you have a 45% chance of death when hit by a car going at 50km. that 10km can make a huge difference, and thats why you can get penalty points for going over the speed limit. They showed us why we need to wear a seat belt, even in the back seat. though some of the videos were hard to watch it really has made me more cautious even of crossing the road. your life can be changed within seconds, or you could change someone else's life,and you have to respect that.
below find the link to the road safety authority website.

Monday, 10 November 2014

my hobby

As part of the November blog challenges, we have to write a post on our hobby. The hobby i picked is reading.
Many teenagers dont like to read, or just dont say that they do. but many people do actually read - whether they admit it or not.
i have always loved reading, even before i was able to myself. My family would read to me when i was young, and i saw them constantly buying books and reading - it runs in the family. my aunts gave me the first books i ever properly read myself, Jacqueline Wilson ones i admit, but they got me into reading myself. i was about seven then, and i soon started reading Enid Blighton novels, Roald Dahl, and many others avidly. i went to the library and read The Twins at St.Clares, Malory Towers, the Trebizon books, all the books my mam and aunts passed down to me. When i was in about fifth class i got into fantasy books and went through six books a week. I began reading classics when i was around twelve, starting with A Christmas Carol and going through to Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte. more recently i read the Game of thrones novels, and The Green Mile, by Stephen King.
reading has always been something important to me as its a way of escape. i have lived a thousand lives as the characters in these books, i have done thousands of things alongside them. Youre transported from your home and swept up in romance, mystery, adventure, violence - whatever it is that you want. Reading was something I did if i wanted to escape from an uncomfortable situation. for example if i was away from home and felt homesick i'd read a book in which the main character felt homesick. it was something to reassure myself that i wasn't alone in feeling that way, and i still do it today.